4494 Mini Imperial Shuttle
LEGO no. | 4494 | LEGO year | 2004 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 20 | Number of pieces | 89 |
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4434 Dump Truck
LEGO no. | 4434 | LEGO year | 2012 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 64 | Number of pieces | 222 |
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4490 Mini Republic Gunship
LEGO no. | 4490 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 28 | Number of pieces | 102 |
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4481 Hailfire Droid
LEGO no. | 4481 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 61 | Number of pieces | 681 |
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4495 Mini AT-TE
LEGO no. | 4495 | LEGO year | 2004 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 16 | Number of pieces | 63 |
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4408 Animals
LEGO no. | 4408 | LEGO year | 2004 | LEGO Theme | Dino 2010 | Number of pages | 56 | Number of pieces | 202 |
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4416 Robo Pod
LEGO no. | 4416 | LEGO year | 2006 | LEGO Theme | Make and Create | Number of pages | 4 | Number of pieces | 71 |
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4402 Sea Riders
LEGO no. | 4402 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Make and Create | Number of pages | 120 | Number of pieces | 547 |
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4442 Glider
LEGO no. | 4442 | LEGO year | 2012 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 36 | Number of pieces | 102 |
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4439 Heavy-Lift Helicopter
LEGO no. | 4439 | LEGO year | 2012 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 112 | Number of pieces | 393 |
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4438 Robbers' Hideout
LEGO no. | 4438 | LEGO year | 2012 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 116 | Number of pieces | 317 |
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4487 Mini Jedi
LEGO no. | 4487 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 12 | Number of pieces | 53 |
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4480 Jabba's Palace
LEGO no. | 4480 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 32 | Number of pieces | 234 |
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4440 Forest Police Station
LEGO no. | 4440 | LEGO year | 2012 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 148 | Number of pieces | 633 |
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4429 Helicopter Rescue
LEGO no. | 4429 | LEGO year | 2012 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 160 | Number of pieces | 425 |
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4403 Air Blazers
LEGO no. | 4403 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Make and Create | Number of pages | 128 | Number of pieces | 702 |
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4473 Police Helicopter
LEGO no. | 4473 | LEGO year | 2012 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 36 | Number of pieces | 112 |
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4413 Arachno Pod
LEGO no. | 4413 | LEGO year | 2005 | LEGO Theme | Make and Create | Number of pages | 20 | Number of pieces | 63 |
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4406 Buildings
LEGO no. | 4406 | LEGO year | 2004 | LEGO Theme | Creator | Number of pages | 72 | Number of pieces | 506 |
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4410 Build and Create
LEGO no. | 4410 | LEGO year | 2004 | LEGO Theme | Dino 2010 | Number of pages | 60 | Number of pieces | 500 |
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4441 Police Dog Van
LEGO no. | 4441 | LEGO year | 2012 | LEGO Theme | city | Number of pages | 96 | Number of pieces | 313 |
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4479 TIE Bomber
LEGO no. | 4479 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 21 | Number of pieces | 229 |
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4497 Pretend and Create
LEGO no. | 4497 | LEGO year | 2004 | LEGO Theme | Basic | Number of pages | 32 | Number of pieces | 1010 |
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4483 AT-AT
LEGO no. | 4483 | LEGO year | 2003 | LEGO Theme | Star Wars | Number of pages | 92 | Number of pieces | 1064 |
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