The Transformers was a US animated television series which originally aired in the 1980s, but has been transforming throughout the years into different generations of TV series and film franchises. The original US series was based on Hasbro’s Transformers toy line and involved giant mecha that can transform into vehicles (although Hasbro’s own toy line was based upon other toys made by Japanese manufacturer Takara) with the opposing teams of Autobots and Decepticons at war with each other. Alex Jones has built a fantastic collection of LEGO Autobots including Optimus Prime at the centre next to Jetfire the jet, Bumblebee in his yellow VW Beetle state on the left and Windcharger the red sports car on the right. How many of these Transformers can you name and remember playing with as a child? Alex has just co-authored a book with another builder whose work we have featured on TBB, Joachim Klang. Tips for...
After conquering the worlds of Titanfall and Horizon Zero Dawn, Marius Herrmann is back to tackle LEGO cars. Bugatti Veyron borrows a lot from the LEGO Speed Champions line, including the windscreen, grille sticker and the new smaller slope pieces. This build’s base design comes from Herrmann’s Audi R8 we highlighted a few weeks ago. The post This Bugatti Veyron gives the Speed Champions line a run for its money appeared first on The Brothers Brick. Original linkOriginal author: Clinton
Recovering from an exhausting round of Iron Builder may require some special treatment, but Eero Okkonen is doing just fine. His latest female character Cielan, a Goddess of weather, reminds me of his memorable Four Seasons series, but features some really bold building solutions. For instance, a massive chain of rainbow colors on Cielan’s back is made from over a dozen Bionicle Vahki crests. The post The forecast for tonight: A storm of creativity appeared first on The Brothers Brick. Original linkOriginal author: Alexander
French builder Vince Toulouse has invented a Victorian era motorcycle using dark green elements from the legendary 10194 Emerald Night train set. But there is no better way to personalize a model than with a couple of bold touches. This time these are a pair of the biggest Technic shock absorbers, which still cannot drag all the attention from a masterfully devised and executed grill on the front of the bike’s body, made with a dozen golden 1×1 rings. The post A motorbike in emerald green is worth two in any other color appeared first on The Brothers Brick. Original linkOriginal author: Alexander
The Saturn V moon rocket is a masterpiece of engineering and remains the largest rocket ever successfully launched. Between 1967 and 1973, thirteen rockets left earth, taking us to the moon and building Skylab, the United States’ first space station. So it’s fitting that LEGO Ideas 21309 NASA Apollo Saturn V is the largest Ideas set produced to date, clocking in at a massive 1,969 pieces in an homage to Apollo 11. When countdown ends and the rocket set launches on June 1, 2017, it will retail for $119.99. Included is the Saturn V rocket in three stages, the command and service module, lunar lander, and command module with floatation device. The Box (and instructions) Like other Ideas sets, Saturn V comes in a black box, with the model on the front and the LEGO Ideas branding. Unlike other Ideas sets. the box is not made of the thicker, sturdier cardboard,...