As is usual with a comic related post, I've never ready Preacher, nor have I seen the TV show based on the comic. But I do appreciate a good character build, and this busts by Vitreolum are fantastic. Of course I did a little googling just to see who we're talking about and they're pretty much perfect. Original linkOriginal author: Tommy
The description of this impressive beast of a MOC by Benjamin Cheh is "Surveillance and Target Acquisition" but judging by the armament on this thing, it's more than capable of target annihilation as well. I would love to see this thing walking...just not in real life, towards me, I don't ever want to see that. Original linkOriginal author: Tommy
This is a MOC that defies logic and the "rules" of brick construction. How this flowing curve and tapered shape was accomplished is a bit mystifying to me, but it's so gorgeous I don't care. Builder JON1138 describes the model in detail in this video by the fine humans at Beyond the Brick. Original linkOriginal author: Tommy
Superman has probably never been edgier (see what I did there?) than in this cool cubist version by builder Amida Na. The man of steel is a man of bricks, and I think he looks pretty super. Now some may debate that everything in LEGO is cubist, or even say that this isn't cubism at all (art is so subjective) but no one can deny that this is pretty awesome. Original linkOriginal author: Tommy
Following the reveal of the Cars 3 trailer, LEGO has revealed images for the upcoming DUPLO sets based on the film. Descriptions, piece count, price and other details are below for each set. Look for...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]Original link