Happy Throwback Thursday! This is a very small set, but from a theme I've not often touched upon.Video: LEGO Pirates King Kahuka from 1994! set 6236Original linkOriginal author: theJANG
This took me quite by surprise. In the "Imaginarium" section of a TRU in my region I found the new Construx orange taking over the the aisle adjacent to the big 'L', complete with tons of branding, new product display nooks, and even a looping featured video with sound. It gives me hope that Mattel dollars are really flowing into the brand and who knows, the distribution issues may even receive some attention.Video: New dedicated Mega Construx aisle at Toys R Us!Original linkOriginal author: theJANG
Here's a question I've answered in varying levels of detail in the past, but only in 1:1 replies that have long since been buried under the shifting tectonic plates of YouTube comments. Finally the idea developed inside my thick noggin to write this stuff up in a place where it can actually be found for more than a day. Q: Why don't you name specific Bricklink vendors in your haul videos? A1: I don't keep track.Most packages arrive without their seller account aliases on or inside them. I make so many purchases for the Jangbricks channel, both online and at brick & mortar stores, that it would be a genuine headache to always match every single purchase to its specific original source.A2: I don't have any favorite sellers to recommend.I have purchased from nearly 200 (two hundred) different Bricklink sellers, only 10% of which have I patronized more than twice. When I'm shopping for items...
Something, something, something, com-plete. Again. I did some rework to adapt this 4-year-old build to the newer city, where it now finally has a place of its own to live relatively long-term. The arrangement of structures has changed significantly and one has been partly rebuilt, so I decided to do a fresh full tour.Video: Custom LEGO Shell Gas Station & Repair Shop tour! (2017 redux)Original linkOriginal author: theJANG
I love it when a plan comes together, but sometimes there's no particular plan and I end up happy anyhow. I had earmarked the windshield of a spare set 1580 for a Rail Rider, but there were no further forethought. An old gray base color seemed like a natural match, and after hours of throwing parts at a 9V train motor, what do you know, a bunch of them actually stuck.Video: LEGO Rail Rider Blast ⏩ Classic Space racing train MOCOriginal linkOriginal author: theJANG