Nick affectionately labeled this one as “Thor: Oh Yeah, We’re Making This Too”. Thor: Ragnarok will be released on November 3, 2017. Look for related LEGO sets to be released...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]Original link
ArsTechnica UK is reporting that Carrie Fisher will NOT be inserted into Star Wars Episode IX via CGI. Leftover footage from the cutting room floor of The Last Jedi will be reused for her scenes in...[[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]]Original link
Inspiration struck, and with nothing else hogging up the MOC-building table, I was able to go for it immediately. This is going to be a series of vehicles, each with a distinct color scheme and style (hopefully), in the vein of my old "Hero Factory Racers" lineup. I think the next one will be yellow & orange, we'll see; it'll depend upon what parts jump out at me first.Video: LEGO Rail Rider Azul - Racing train MOCOriginal linkOriginal author: theJANG
I love it when things go according to plan, even when there isn't so much of a plan as a nostalgia-painted ethereal idea bolstered by some random Google Images action. This older-style, externally braced design isn't intended to replicate any one specific real-life hopper. Rather, it takes inspiration from as many of them as needed to extract something semi-believable out of the very limiting proportions (and color selection) of LEGO parts I had on hand.Video: LEGO Covered Hopper Rail Car MOCI was able to make two of these before running out of 1x2 mod plates. I wouldn't mind having another couple of 'em eventually. For now, though, I'll be turning my attention to something different.Original linkOriginal author: theJANG