We haven’t posted anything from the BrotherhoodWorkshop for quite some time, so I thought to feature their latest video, retelling the story of Star Wars: The Last Jedi in just over two minutes. The BrotherhoodWorskhop is known for their high quality LEGO animations, in fact, many of the videos you find on LEGO’s own website […]Original linkOriginal author: admin
Using LEGO pieces to build mechanical creations is a popular hobby, as evidenced by all the crazy and impressive contraptions featured on LEGO forums, blogs, and YouTube channels. LEGO themselves runs a very interesting series on their own YouTube channel titled Beyond the Instructions, featuring all kinds of LEGO-built machines. We talked about them here […]Original linkOriginal author: admin
Just a quick reminder that the #21311 LEGO Ideas Voltron set is now available for LEGO VIP members. Below, I have included the official description of the set, as well as the designer-video, and more. Enjoy! ? The #21311 LEGO Ideas Voltron was originally designed and submitted to the LEGO Ideas platform by Leandro Tayag […]Original linkOriginal author: admin
After much teasing at LEGO’s social-media pages, the #10262 LEGO Creator Expert James Bond Aston Martin DB5 has been finally revealed at a special event at the Leicester Square LEGO store a couple of days ago. And, even if you are far from London, you don’t have to wait; the set is already available at […]Original linkOriginal author: admin
When we talked about the new LEGO Harry Potter sets, we mentioned that, unfortunately, the #75955 LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Express is not set up for motorization right out of the box. Some LEGO trains come with all Power Functions elements included (like the LEGO City trains we talked about previously). Some LEGO trains don’t […]Original linkOriginal author: admin