This DC Comics Super Heroes set was released all by itself last week, alongside nothing else from the line. In the US it's a Toys R Us retail exclusive, though also available directly from LEGO Shop at Home.Video: LEGO Wonder Woman Warrior Battle review! 76075Original linkOriginal author: theJANG
The final box-stock holdout among my modern locomotives has at last been sent to the scrap heap and from its remains, new life has sprouted forth! The build of this switcher did not go at all as I had planned; it actually went much better. About a third of the way through I made a pretty significant change to the design concept that turned everything around (both literally and figuratively) and led me down the path to a very different aesthetic style than I expected to pull from these parts. What started out as a string of experimental failures, then, morphed into something very unfamiliar, yet personally satisfying.Video: Time lapse & run ⏩ LEGO switcher/shunter train locomotive custom MOCOriginal linkOriginal author: theJANG
The latest big one is upon us! It took one full day to get the build video up (long drive out to buy the thing, followed by the build, then editing & all), followed by another for the review, but my work with this impressive display piece is now complete.Videos:BUILD ⏩ LEGO Star Wars UCS Snowspeeder time-lapseReview: LEGO Star Wars UCS Snowspeeder 75144Soooo... more MOCs then, while I still have the chance?Original linkOriginal author: theJANG
I wish this was about 5% less blocky looking, but it does me a great service by displacing an official LEGO loco from my layout. Now I just need to deal with the engine from set 60052, and I'll be in great shape!Video: Build & run ⏩ New custom LEGO train locomotive MOCOriginal linkOriginal author: theJANG