A collaborative castle battle effort that was on display during BrickFair Virginia 2016. Gary^The^Procrastinator shared photos of this magnificent battle on his Flickr photostream. Multiple skilled castle builders contributed to this massive MOC, creating realistic ruins and an awesome port battle. Some of those boats are truly inspiring. Make sure to take a closer look to check out all the details! Original linkOriginal author: Nathaniel Stoner
Steampunk is always intriguing, as are mechanical insects. When the two mix, you get something beautiful and inspiring. Jonas Kramm made a delicate looking steampunk mechanical insect. What more could you ask for? That clear dome on the very bottom, covering (yet revealing) some inner mechanisms of the spider is easily my favorite aspect of this build. Wonderful work! Original linkOriginal author: Nathaniel Stoner
Edoras, the capital of Rohan. A lovely microscale rendition of this beautiful, golden city in Tolkien's magical world. Isaac S. created this little city for the LEGO Middle Earth Olympics over on MOCpages. Incorporating very simple pieces, there's no way this build could look anymore similar to the actual city. Well done! Original linkOriginal author: Nathaniel Stoner
Yes, you're right, it has been a long time since we've built live. But tomorrow me and Mrs. BrickNerd are going to break the dry spell and build LEGO 21035 Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. Join us at 1pm PST for some brick clicking, architecture building action. Guaranteed 19% more exciting than organizing receipts. See you then! Original linkOriginal author: Tommy
E.T. was one of those movies that shaped me as a person. The late 70's/early 80's were a damn fine time to be a fan of movies and a budding filmmaker. Between Lucas, Spielberg, Henson, Reitman, Landis and a few others, I was scarred for life in the best way possible. So this brilliant poster recreation by builder Chris Adams resonates with me on a level that's hard to articulate. Original linkOriginal author: Tommy